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The Life We Got

The Life We Got

Posted on: Saturday, November 9, 2019

the life i got

Yo! Rasa macam lama sungguh aku nda aktif di blog ni. Baru dua bulan lepas aku aktif tapi ni dah sebulan krik krik padahal banyak lagi draft belum publish hahaha Itahh what happen to you??!

Sometimes life doesn't always go as we planned but whatever it is, life must move on! Whatever’s happening in your life, keep going. You didn’t come this far to just quit & give it all up. Have faith in Allah because He knows the best

THE LIFE WE GOT | Pernah tidak sekali dalam hidup kau rasa sangat-sangat down, pathetic with the life you got. Everything was messed. You fell down and get up again and again. You try the very best in you, yet you still fail at what you do and you hurt so badly because of that. You felt like everything keep crashing you down no matter how hard you try like there's no rainbow for you tomorrow. Just rain.

Nahh that is what happened to me last year and early this year and still, until today i can feel the pain having those feelings. Of course no one knows because sometimes hiding my true feeling and struggling, that is what i am good at.

Note to my self and to you..perhaps. No matter how sucks your life was you gotta live the life you got. Yes things seem so unfair compare to the others but why must we compare our life with them if we know there's no comparison in this life? Every single person in this world has a different stories even before we were born Allah has written the story for us but of course our destiny is determined by our choices. So stay positive about everything. Maybe it is not our time yet to shines but one day we will, may be tomorrow. Who knows. Something great and beautiful await in the future.

Still, it ain't easy but be thankful of what we have. It's okay to feel pain and struggle because that is life and how we become a person. Be happy. Smile like Luffy, eat like Luffy because life is too short to be unhappy. You know who Luffy is? If you don't you gotta google it. Luffy is my crush, he's not real though. But you is real, life is real hahaha sudahh.. Ayat siapa aku tiru tu :P

Til then. Have a good day!


  1. Semoga segala sesuatu yang diinginkan tu dipermudahkan dan menjadi kenyataan...

  2. Salla Kenal cik Itah,
    Kak Mah datang bertandang.
    Feel free to visit me, k.

  3. untuk aktif berblog..

    masa adalah pengorbanan..

    semga pergorbanan itu berbaloi

  4. Stop comparing ourself to others as we never know what they had been experienced before. Be grateful and stay positive❤.

  5. akak pernah rasa macamni 2 tahun lepas, rasa macam dah giveup nak hidup, rasa macam bila-bila masa Allah akan panggil, memang down sangat... tapi fikir balik, ingat Allah, alhamdulillah hingga sekarang masih lagi bertahan, cuma tak tahu sampai bila

    1. kan sis..well i guess we have our own issue with ourself n our life
      semoga kita sentiasa kuat untuk bertahan

  6. Istiqamahlah,

    Akak pun macam itu,
    Tapi kalau dah ramai kawan seronok pulak
    Terutamanya bila tengok komen mereka...

  7. Don't compare syukuri apa yang ada itulah bahagia.

  8. some goes to me . Bitter life when we always compare our life with others . REZEKI masing-masing , Hidup masing-masing tapi kita keep jelous dengan apa yang orang ada dan wonder why kita selalu ada problem diorang tak ada . Reflec , " bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada sebelum kita complain apa yang kita tak ada "

    1. still it aint easy but yoshh..lets move forward n the live the life we got!

  9. itulah hakikat hidup.... dan semua org melaluinya...u r not alone...

  10. Stay positive and be strong dear no matter what. Allah is always with you :)

    1. i will n always will..inshaAllah
      thank u dear sis^^

  11. Kehidupan selepas kematian agak menakutkan.

  12. sometimes things might go just as we planned and the other way around as well.

    1. yeahh u rite
      all we hv to do is trying to be positive as much as we could

  13. Kena pandai Jaga hati sendiri jdn sampai merana.. be positive

  14. tiada siapa yang tahu tentang hal hal kehidupan.
    we plan, tapi Allah jugalah yang Perancang yang Maha Hebat.
    have fun and stay positive selalu.

    1. yeahh..absolutely rite sis
      He knows what best for us

  15. Betul. Jangan bandingkan hidup kita dengan orang lain. Only after that, baru hati kita lebih tenang.
    Gogo chaiyok... Life must go on 💪💪
