Review Anime B: The Beginning | The moment I wrote this post I’ve just finished watching this anime and I feel overwhelmed because of it. Why? Nahh the truth about girl when they watching anime is, often they’ll end up falling in love with the guy that doesn’t even exist and I am among those girls lol. Something wrong with it, No? ð
In a world powered by advanced technology, crime and action unfold in the archipelagic nation of Cremona. Koku, the protagonist. Keith, the legendary investigator of the Royal Police Service (RIS). A mysterious criminal organization. A wide variety of characters race through the fortified city as it is beset by the serial killer, Killer B, and a chain of crimes in this suspense drama by director Kazuto Nakazawa and Production I.G – Synopsis by Fandom Wiki.
Anime B: The Beginning
Cerita ni ada dua watak utama, Keith Flick a genius investigator who is brought back in royal police to help in the investigation of a vicious serial killer known as Killer B. Watak kedua is Koku, a normal boy who in actuality is a supernatural being seeking for his lost kanoju / nakama, Yuna. The stories lead to a secret organization – a research project involving the resurrection of god and a prophecy foretelling the rise of “A Black King” – yang mana Black King ni adalah Koku a.k.a Killer B. Tapi itu bukan bermaksud si Koku ni jahat ya, in fact penjahatnya adalah kawan kepada Keith Flick sendiri, Gilbert Ross. Ramai gila yang jadi mangsa perbuatan kejam dia termasuklah pembunuhan kejam Erika, adik angkat kepada Genie (nama samaran Keith Flick).
Rating: 9/10
Overall, B: The Beginning is Sci-Fi anime that you don’t wanna missed. It is a must watch anime and really worth your time. Genres: Sci-Fi, Mystery, Supernatural, Psychological, Crime. Bagi aku anime ni dia punya storyline agak lain daripada yang lain and character development pun terbaik. Dia punya senses of mystery and suspense tu agak kuat which is few moment tengok first episode seja pun aku sudah mula curious, what’s with the black feather? who kill the bad guys and leave B mark on the tree? Who’s the boy walking on the roof and later buy a red bean bun?? What Keith knows about Killer B and why he seems so interested in him? What was their connection? dan macam-macam. Aku jadi curious gila sampai nda sabar mau tengok next episode.
FYI, B: The Beginning ni ada 12 episod ja dan merupakan original anime (not based on manga) yang disiarkan melalui Neflix pada tahun 2018 and I was like “ehh kenapa hujung 2020 ni aku baru tahu wujud anime yang gila best macam ni?” hukhuk ketinggalan kapal betul. Damn!
And lepas tengok anime ni I think I fell head over heels with Koku. OMG, what should I do?! ð
Selamat menonton anime ð
ReplyDeletehehehe onteyy..
Deleteanime ni kadang2 characters dia yensem2 gak.. hehe..
ReplyDeletedorg punya intense eyes tu yang emm..mmg bikin fall in love haha
Deletelayannn., ;p
ReplyDeletebanyak anime baru yang best2 skrg ni tapi masi on going huhu
Deletetunggu abis dulu baru marathon hehe
nnti nk cari kat netflix la..
ReplyDeletesy pun tengok dekat neflix.. banyak jugak anime best2 dekat sana tapi kalau 2019 & 2020 punya x banyak ada dekat sana, sy download dari telegram ja
Deletemasi banyak anime best2 yg on going tu hehe
Haha watak anime ni berkarisma, apabila ada ciri2 dan sifat dia menepati citarasa kita.. tu yang buat kita fall in love tuu... ð
ReplyDeletekann n sometime im thinking about jumping into anime world someday lol
DeleteCikbunga ponminat giler kat anime ðð
ReplyDeletetahap otaku ka? hehehhe
DeleteTerima kasih atas reviewnya. Nanti Eza suggest kat husband cerita anime ni. Dia minat sangat anime.
ReplyDeleteDone follow awak tau. Salam kenalan dari Eza :)
Hi Eza.. thank follow. salam perkenalan jugak^^
Deleteanak saya suka tgok anime.
ReplyDeleteseronok layan anime ni^^
DeleteSelamat menonton anime. lama tak tengok anime ni. tak tahu yang terkini. huhu
ReplyDeletebanyak sudah anime baru2 skrg ni hehehe animation pun terbaik hehe
Deletedlm netflix tak perasan pulak siri2 anime ni. haha
ReplyDeleteSebab x search or x pernah tengok hehe kalau pernah tu nanti banyakla tu recommendation netflix kasi.. banyak banyak jgk anime yg baru2 dekat netflix sekarang ðð
Deleteohh patut lah.. nanti nk try cari. thanks litah
Deletemost welcome nina ^^
Deletedulu tahu juga anime yg latest sbb ada channel animax kat astro, sekarang memang dah stop layan anime ni..hehe
ReplyDeleteJom catch up balik hehhe